
Ride for Magnus. Ride for Your Life. August 11, 2024

Let’s come together on August 11 to ride our bikes for our friend Magnus White, and to rally for better cycling.

The ride is called Ride for Magnus. Ride for Your Life.

The event will urge our leaders to make lasting changes that will help prevent deaths like Magnus’.

We must make Colorado roads safer. We must come together and fight for better transportation infrastructure that protects our safety.

Registration is free with a suggested donation. Register here.

The ride is August 11, 2024. Staging at 9:30 am; ride at 10:00. Speeches at approximately 12:30 at CU Boulder’s Farrand Field.

Riders will depart CU Boulder Campus, ride on Folsom to Jay Road, and then onto Colorado State Highway 119 (CO 119) to the site where Magnus was killed. Here, they will hold a memorial in his honor. The entire westbound lanes of CO 119 will be closed to vehicle traffic to ensure a safe journey. The route is 13.5 miles.