Tips for Sport Parents
Being a sports parent is balancing act. We love our kids and want them to succeed, but sometimes we get so caught up in the sport that we stray into a zone of being too serious, yelling instructions during a race, or forgetting that our biggest job as parents is teaching life lessons.
Here’s a few tips that will help you strike the right balance…
Release Your Child to the Game! By the Changing the Game Project
“Once you are confident that your child is in a safe environment, one of the greatest gifts you can give the young athletes in your house is to let them go and let their sports experience belong to them.” Link: Release Your Child to the Game!
3 Simple Rules to Be a Better Sports Parent (1 minute video)
Learn The Difference Between Cheering And Coaching (1 minute video)
Dare To Chill? Re-Think Sports Parent Behavior On The Sidelines (funny video!)
Parents should not provide instructions during games (funny 30 sec video)
BJC’s Approach to Development (14 min. video)
Parents should have a high level of patience and low level of expectation. (2 minute read)
Why Past Athletic Performance Doesn’t Guarantee Future Results (2 minute read)